Passwd Authentication Token Manipulation Error Redhat

Failed to update password if i enter a wrong current password passwd will just quit with passwd.
Passwd authentication token manipulation error redhat. The module pam passwdqc so was used in pam to limit the use of weak passwords. During password change following error is observed. I can t change my password as i always get password change failed. Passwd fails with authentication token manipulation error in newly created.
Local accounts are getting authentication token manipulation error while attempting to change passwords of local system accounts. Authentication token manipulation error エラーが発生します. そのようなときは pwconvコマンドで両者の整合性を取れば passwdコマンドが使えるようになる passwd sato satoのパスワードを変更 changing password. Authentication token manipulation error.
Tried to ran passwd from the console but getting the error. Authentication token manipulation error. Anyone ever encountered this.